The word LIBRARY is derived from the Latin liber, “book,” whereas a Latinized Greek word, bibliotheca, is the origin of the word for library in German, Russian, and the Romance languages.
A library is the centre of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material.
A Library serves the need and requirement of the faculties / students towards reading, studying and research. The NHPUC Library is spacious enough to accommodate hundreds of Users at a time with an exhaustive collection of over 19,000 books, subscribed Magazines, Journals, News Paper, Manuscripts, CD’S & DVD’S , Bound Volumes and News Paper clipping are also maintained.

Our Library holds printed as well as Electronic – Resources, previous years question papers to meet the present and future information requirements of the User’s. Every registered user is provided with borrowing facility of books and other available resources to meet required information source.
Our Library is fully automated with the help of Library Automation Software ‘EASYLIB “ which is constantly updated with the latest books of knowledge and has a separate section for Reference and Reading.
The receipt of new books and journals issued is announced both through library display and individual announcements to each requestor and monthly lists are sent to all the staff members.
Computer facility is provided with high speed internet connectivity which allows the users to access information from the internet , E-Books and E-Journals through N-LIST Programme.
The database is completely digitized and managed through EASYLIB Software. A separate system is provided for the Users to search their Library Stock through OPAC. Photos of various cultural programmes, National festivals and events conducted are displayed via the digital format.

A Book exhibition is conducted for the user to help in understanding – to be aware of the facility available in the library, in accessing the right information by using search engines for searching database, OPAC, e-books and e-journals through N-LIST Programme.
The library is connected with the Library Advisory Committee in all library activities..
CCTV Surveillance is used to ensure the security of the Library and its Users.
IN and OUT Management System is placed for library Users Statistics.
Rules and Regulations of the Library
- Members to exhibit their Identity cards.
- Maintenance of peace & silence is a must.
- Reserve books are kept separately in circulation counter for two days for each member and thereafter the same will be issued to the next member.
- Renewals are allowed only when there are no claim by other members.
- Students can retain books for 15 days only, three times renewals can be permitted on or before the due date mentioned.
- Books lost by the borrowers have to be reported immediately to the Librarian in writing.
Members are entitled to borrow Library materials as specified below : 1. Lecturers 8 books
2. Students 6 books